Accessibility statement

The Museum Angewandte Kunst in Frankfurt am Main is working on making its online services accessible.

This declaration on accessibility in accordance with EU Directive 2016/2102 applies exclusively to the Digital Collection, but not to linked offers and services.

Status of compatibility with requirements

The Museum Angewandte Kunst endeavors to fully meet the requirements of the current state of accessibility. The Digital Collection is largely compliant with the currently valid regulations on accessibility (BITV 2.0, 2019/WCAG 2.1). Contents and functions that do not yet fully comply are listed below.

Non-accessible content and functions

The contents listed below are in accordance with the exception due to disproportionate burden in accordance with Article 5 of Directive (EU) 2016/2102:

  • Apart from the PDF linked in the accessibility statement, the PDFs provided in the Digital Collection are not accessible.
  • Not all illustrations provide sufficient contrast.

The functions listed below are not fully accessible:

  • There are no suggestions for corrections to be made to entries in the search forms that do not lead to a result.
  • Language changes are not consistently marked.
  • With a window width of 320px, there are individual pages whose main heading contains terms that are too long to be wrapped. In these cases, a horizontal scrollbar is displayed. The privacy policy also contains a scroll bar in the mobile view.
  • If a black background is selected in the user-defined settings of the browser, the links to German plain language and German sign language are hardly visible.

The Museum Angewandte Kunst is working on further expanding accessible contents.

Date of the declaration

This declaration was issued on 21/05/2024 prepared. The declaration was prepared on the basis of the audit report on accessibility dated 21/05/2024.


If you have any questions about the accessibility of the Digital collection, please contact the project manager (

Enforcement proceedings

If you would like to make suggestions for more accessible offers on our website, please write to us using the above mentioned contact.

If you would also like to initiate enforcement proceedings you will find the responsible office here.

Tasks of the enforcement body (accessible PDF)
