Home > Advanced search > Objects > Cutting from an incunabula with hand-painted initial "O"
Cutting from an incunabula with hand-painted initial "O"
End 15th century
Cutting from an incunabula with hand-painted initial "O"
End 15th century (Production)
Geographical reference
Place of production: Germany
Sheet dimensions:
18,5 x 9 cm
Object type
Inventory number
Museum Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt am Main
Donation; 31.04.1927; Iffland
- Key: 2e45348c-c377-4e9d-834e-9f8cbf1dc784
- Module_ref: collection
- Create_date: 2024-09-10T13:48:23Z
- Change_date: 2025-03-09T23:00:00Z
- Sync_date: 2025-03-14T05:11:17Z
- Container_S: Buchkunst und Grafik
- SimpleSearch: Buchkunst und Grafik,L.B.74,Herstellung | Production,End 15th century,Iffland,Miniature paintings, Decorated initials, Red,Fragments,Ausschnitt aus einer Inkunabel mit handgemalter roter Initiale "O",Cutting from an incunabula with hand-painted initial "O",Ausschnitt aus einer Inkunabel mit handgemalter roter O-Initiale
- SimpleSearch2: Buchkunst und Grafik,L.B.74,Herstellung | Production,End 15th century,Iffland,Miniature paintings, Decorated initials, Red,Fragments,Ausschnitt aus einer Inkunabel mit handgemalter roter Initiale "O",Cutting from an incunabula with hand-painted initial "O",Ausschnitt aus einer Inkunabel mit handgemalter roter O-Initiale
- InventoryNumber_S: L.B.74
- InventoryNumber_S_sort: L.B.74
- InventoryNumberSearch_S: L.B.74
- IvNO_S: L.B.74
- AcquisitionDate_S: 31.04.1927
- MainTitle_S: Cutting from an incunabula with hand-painted initial "O"
- MainTitle_S_sort: Cutting from an incunabula with hand-painted initial "O"
- DatingType_S: Herstellung | Production
- Dating_S: End 15th century
- Dating_S2: End 15th century
- YearFrom_I: 1475
- YearTo_I: 1499
- DatingComment_S: Primärdatierung (englisch)
- Creditline_S: Museum Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt am Main
- Systematic_S: Book art and graphic design
- Systematic_multi_facet: Book art and graphic design
- Systematic_multi_facet_filter: Book art and graphic design
- AcquisitionType_S: Donation
- AcquisitionFrom_S: Iffland
- Keywords_S: Miniature paintings, Decorated initials, Red
- Keywords_multi_facet: Miniature paintings;;Decorated initials;;Red
- Keywords_multi_facet_filter: Miniature paintings;;Decorated initials;;Red
- Materials_multi_facet: Parchment;;Ink
- Materials_multi_facet_filter: Parchment;;Ink
- Techniques_multi_facet: Illumination
- Techniques_multi_facet_filter: Illumination
- lists_s: ObjectNames,Titles,GeographicReferences,Materials,Techniques,Datings,Subjects,Texts,Dimensions,WebLinks,Media
- list_ObjectNames_I: 1
- ObjectNames_Type_0_S: Obj.bez.
- ObjectNames_Text_0_S: Fragments
- list_Titles_I: 2
- Titles_Type_0_S: Titel
- Titles_Text_0_S: Ausschnitt aus einer Inkunabel mit handgemalter roter Initiale "O"
- Titles_Text_S_sort: Ausschnitt aus einer Inkunabel mit handgemalter roter Initiale "O"
- TitleSearch: Ausschnitt aus einer Inkunabel mit handgemalter roter Initiale "O",Cutting from an incunabula with hand-painted initial "O"
- Titles_Type_1_S: Titel (englisch)
- Titles_Text_1_S: Cutting from an incunabula with hand-painted initial "O"
- list_GeographicReferences_I: 1
- GeographicReferences_Type_0_S: Herstellungsort | Place of production
- GeographicReferences_Text_0_S: Europe/Germany
- GeographicReferences_Text_0_multi_facet: Europe;;Germany
- GeographicReferences_Text_0_multi_facet_filter: Europe;;Germany
- list_Materials_I: 3
- Materials_Type_0_S: Material
- Materials_Text_0_S: Parchment
- Materials_Type_1_S: Material
- Materials_Text_1_S: Ink
- Materials_Type_2_S: Material
- list_Techniques_I: 2
- Techniques_Type_0_S: Technik
- Techniques_Type_1_S: Technik
- Techniques_Text_1_S: Illumination
- list_Datings_I: 0
- list_Subjects_I: 0
- list_Texts_I: 0
- list_Dimensions_I: 1
- Dimensions_Type_0_S: Blattmaß | Sheet dimensions
- Dimensions_Dimension_0_S: 18,5 x 9 cm
- list_WebLinks_I: 0
- list_Media_I: 1
- Media_Key_0_s: 6fe0fdbe-e661-4637-86f0-d99d7a976c79
- Media_Type_0_S: Bild
- Media_AltText_0_S: Ausschnitt aus einer Inkunabel mit handgemalter roter O-Initiale
- Media_Rightsholder_0_S: Museum Angewandte Kunst
- Media_Credits_0_S: © Museum Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt am Main
- Media_Comments_0_S: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
- _version_: 1826545135738945500
- lists: [object Object]