Home > Advanced search > Objects > Bunshô no sôshi (The Salt Merchant Bunshô), 2 vol.
Bunshô no sôshi (The Salt Merchant Bunshô), 2 vol.
Edo, Genroku - Hôei, 1688-1711
Bunshô no sôshi (The Salt Merchant Bunshô), 2 vol.
Edo, Genroku - Hôei, 1688-1711 (Production)
Geographical reference
Place of production: Japan
Material / Technique
illustrated manuscript: ink and colors on paper; colored miniatures; kana writing with a few kanji; cover made of indigo blue paper (konshi) with evenly scattered loose gold and silver leaf (kinginpaku chirashi); thread binding
fukurotoji horizontally 18 x 24,5 x 0,8 cm
Object type
Illuminated manuscripts
Inventory number
Museum Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt am Main
Acquisition; 23.07.1959; Collection Dr. E.A. Voretzsch
- Key: 0b59b1ef-cdc4-49f6-889c-c449df916fe0
- Module_ref: collection
- Create_date: 2017-11-01T14:56:08Z
- Change_date: 2024-12-17T23:00:00Z
- Sync_date: 2025-03-11T23:18:49Z
- Container_S: Ostasien
- SimpleSearch: Ostasien,12804ab,Herstellung | Production,Edo, Genroku - Hôei, 1688-1711,illustrated manuscript: ink and colors on paper; colored miniatures; kana writing with a few kanji; cover made of indigo blue paper (konshi) with evenly scattered loose gold and silver leaf (kinginpaku chirashi); thread binding,Collection Dr. E.A. Voretzsch,Nara-e, Script, Miniature paintings, Reading culture,Nara-ehon,Illuminated manuscripts,Bunshô no sôshi (Der Salzhändler Bunshô), 2 Bde.,Bunshô no sôshi (The Salt Merchant Bunshô), 2 vol.
- SimpleSearch2: Ostasien,12804ab,Herstellung | Production,Edo, Genroku - Hôei, 1688-1711,illustrated manuscript: ink and colors on paper; colored miniatures; kana writing with a few kanji; cover made of indigo blue paper (konshi) with evenly scattered loose gold and silver leaf (kinginpaku chirashi); thread binding,Collection Dr. E.A. Voretzsch,Nara-e, Script, Miniature paintings, Reading culture,Nara-ehon,Illuminated manuscripts,Bunshô no sôshi (Der Salzhändler Bunshô), 2 Bde.,Bunshô no sôshi (The Salt Merchant Bunshô), 2 vol.
- InventoryNumber_S: 12804ab
- InventoryNumber_S_sort: 12804ab
- InventoryNumberSearch_S: 12804ab
- IvNO_S: 12804ab
- AcquisitionDate_S: 23.07.1959
- MainTitle_S: Bunshô no sôshi (The Salt Merchant Bunshô), 2 vol.
- MainTitle_S_sort: Bunshô no sôshi (The Salt Merchant Bunshô), 2 vol.
- DatingType_S: Herstellung | Production
- Dating_S: Edo, Genroku - Hôei, 1688-1711
- Dating_S2: Edo, Genroku - Hôei, 1688-1711
- YearFrom_I: 1688
- YearTo_I: 1711
- DatingComment_S: Primärdatierung (englisch)
- Creditline_S: Museum Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt am Main
- MaterialTechnique_S: illustrated manuscript: ink and colors on paper; colored miniatures; kana writing with a few kanji; cover made of indigo blue paper (konshi) with evenly scattered loose gold and silver leaf (kinginpaku chirashi); thread binding
- AcquisitionType_S: Acquisition
- AcquisitionFrom_S: Collection Dr. E.A. Voretzsch
- Keywords_S: Nara-e, Script, Miniature paintings, Reading culture
- Keywords_multi_facet: Nara-e;;Script;;Miniature paintings;;Reading culture
- Keywords_multi_facet_filter: Nara-e;;Script;;Miniature paintings;;Reading culture
- Materials_multi_facet: Paper;;Ink;;Textil
- Materials_multi_facet_filter: Paper;;Ink;;Textil
- Techniques_multi_facet: Handwriting;;Painting;;Book binding
- Techniques_multi_facet_filter: Handwriting;;Painting;;Book binding
- lists_s: ObjectNames,Titles,GeographicReferences,Materials,Techniques,Datings,Subjects,Texts,Dimensions,WebLinks,Media
- list_ObjectNames_I: 2
- ObjectNames_Type_0_S: Obj.bez.
- ObjectNames_Text_0_S: Nara-ehon
- ObjectNames_Type_1_S: Obj.bez. (alternativ)
- ObjectNames_Text_1_S: Illuminated manuscripts
- list_Titles_I: 2
- Titles_Type_0_S: Titel
- Titles_Text_0_S: Bunshô no sôshi (Der Salzhändler Bunshô), 2 Bde.
- Titles_Text_S_sort: Bunshô no sôshi (Der Salzhändler Bunshô), 2 Bde.
- TitleSearch: Bunshô no sôshi (Der Salzhändler Bunshô), 2 Bde.,Bunshô no sôshi (The Salt Merchant Bunshô), 2 vol.
- Titles_Type_1_S: Titel (englisch)
- Titles_Text_1_S: Bunshô no sôshi (The Salt Merchant Bunshô), 2 vol.
- list_GeographicReferences_I: 1
- GeographicReferences_Type_0_S: Herstellungsort | Place of production
- GeographicReferences_Text_0_S: Asia/East Asia/Japan
- GeographicReferences_Text_0_multi_facet: Asia;;East Asia;;Japan
- GeographicReferences_Text_0_multi_facet_filter: Asia;;East Asia;;Japan
- list_Materials_I: 4
- Materials_Type_0_S: Material
- Materials_Text_0_S: Paper
- Materials_Type_1_S: Material
- Materials_Text_1_S: Ink
- Materials_Type_2_S: Material
- Materials_Type_3_S: Material
- Materials_Text_3_S: Textil
- list_Techniques_I: 3
- Techniques_Type_0_S: Technik
- Techniques_Text_0_S: Handwriting
- Techniques_Type_1_S: Technik
- Techniques_Text_1_S: Painting
- Techniques_Type_2_S: Technik
- Techniques_Text_2_S: Book binding
- list_Datings_I: 0
- list_Subjects_I: 0
- list_Texts_I: 0
- list_Dimensions_I: 1
- Dimensions_Type_0_S: Objektmaß | Overall
- Dimensions_Dimension_0_S: fukurotoji quer, | fukurotoji horizontally || 18 x 24,5 x 0,8 cm
- list_WebLinks_I: 0
- list_Media_I: 4
- Media_Key_0_s: 22345061-27ef-4155-8566-5782fee752a6
- Media_Type_0_S: Bild
- Media_Rightsholder_0_S: Museum Angewandte Kunst
- Media_Credits_0_S: Foto: Rainer Drexel © Museum Angewandte Kunst
- Media_Comments_0_S: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
- Media_Key_1_s: d9249362-76a0-4b20-b445-293c419b2d6f
- Media_Type_1_S: Bild
- Media_Rightsholder_1_S: Museum Angewandte Kunst
- Media_Credits_1_S: Foto: Rainer Drexel © Museum Angewandte Kunst
- Media_Comments_1_S: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
- Media_Key_2_s: dcbffdf0-3743-4568-9ef2-0558822c7dd4
- Media_Type_2_S: Bild
- Media_Rightsholder_2_S: Museum Angewandte Kunst
- Media_Credits_2_S: Foto: Rainer Drexel © Museum Angewandte Kunst
- Media_Comments_2_S: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
- Media_Key_3_s: 8f615974-cdf7-4d91-9a1e-0d90a3848efb
- Media_Type_3_S: Bild
- Media_Rightsholder_3_S: Museum Angewandte Kunst
- Media_Credits_3_S: Foto: Rainer Drexel © Museum Angewandte Kunst
- Media_Comments_3_S: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
- _version_: 1826341706465804300
- lists: [object Object]