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Hunter on his Way Home in the Snow
Gu Deqian
18th century
A bearded, fierce looking man in a blue coat and carrying a three-pronged spear walks through a snow-covered mountain landscape and looks back to his small dog with a red collar. The luxurious dressing of the man and the finely-shaped dog suggest that he is not just a common hunter but a person of higher status. On his three-pronged spear he carries two white animals, perhaps hermelins. The atmospheric, authentic depiction of nature convincingly transmits the mood of a cold autumn or winter day. This represents a significant achievement of early Chinese painting that was lost in the course of history. However, the present painting may convey an impression of those early masterpieces.
Gu Deqian was court painter in Nanjing and served the art-loving Emperor Li Yu (937–978).
Gu Deqian, whose surname he shared with the great Gu Kaizhi (ca 348–409), was primarily a figure painter, whose work focused on Daoist themes. However, originals of his paintings have not survived. The present work is an attributed copy of the 18th century.
Hunter on his Way Home in the Snow
Involved in the execution
18th century (Production)
Geographical reference
Place of production: China
Material / Technique
Ink and colours on silk
114 x 61 cm
Object type
Inventory number
Museum Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt am Main
Donation; 31.10.1943; Collection Carl Cords, Zoppot
Included in these topics
- Key: 2fa8c6a0-1b2b-4b81-afa0-0f8eaf78c3ca
- Module_ref: collection
- Create_date: 2017-01-24T12:31:10Z
- Change_date: 2024-04-07T22:00:00Z
- Sync_date: 2025-02-15T19:26:38Z
- Container_S: Ostasien
- SimpleSearch: Ostasien,11400,Herstellung | Production,18th century,Ink and colours on silk,Collection Carl Cords, Zoppot,Figure representations, Landscapes (representations), Copies,Gu,Deqian,Hanging scroll,Heimkehrender Jäger im Schnee ,Hunter on his Way Home in the Snow ,摹顧德謙雪夜歸獵圖軸,Deqian,Gu,Gu Deqian,A bearded, fierce looking man in a blue coat and carrying a three-pronged spear walks through a snow-covered mountain landscape and looks back to his small dog with a red collar. The luxurious dressing of the man and the finely-shaped dog suggest that he is not just a common hunter but a person of higher status. On his three-pronged spear he carries two white animals, perhaps hermelins. The atmospheric, authentic depiction of nature convincingly transmits the mood of a cold autumn or winter day. This represents a significant achievement of early Chinese painting that was lost in the course of history. However, the present painting may convey an impression of those early masterpieces. <br class="linefeed" />Gu Deqian was court painter in Nanjing and served the art-loving Emperor Li Yu (937–978). <br class="linefeed" />Gu Deqian, whose surname he shared with the great Gu Kaizhi (ca 348–409), was primarily a figure painter, whose work focused on Daoist themes. However, originals of his paintings have not survived. The present work is an attributed copy of the 18th century. <br class="linefeed" />,Tuschemalerei auf Seide im Hochformat. Dargestellt ist ein Jäger in einer Schneelandschaft.
- SimpleSearch2: Ostasien,11400,Herstellung | Production,18th century,Ink and colours on silk,Collection Carl Cords, Zoppot,Figure representations, Landscapes (representations), Copies,Gu,Deqian,Hanging scroll,Heimkehrender Jäger im Schnee ,Hunter on his Way Home in the Snow ,摹顧德謙雪夜歸獵圖軸,Deqian,Gu,Gu Deqian,A bearded, fierce looking man in a blue coat and carrying a three-pronged spear walks through a snow-covered mountain landscape and looks back to his small dog with a red collar. The luxurious dressing of the man and the finely-shaped dog suggest that he is not just a common hunter but a person of higher status. On his three-pronged spear he carries two white animals, perhaps hermelins. The atmospheric, authentic depiction of nature convincingly transmits the mood of a cold autumn or winter day. This represents a significant achievement of early Chinese painting that was lost in the course of history. However, the present painting may convey an impression of those early masterpieces. <br class="linefeed" />Gu Deqian was court painter in Nanjing and served the art-loving Emperor Li Yu (937–978). <br class="linefeed" />Gu Deqian, whose surname he shared with the great Gu Kaizhi (ca 348–409), was primarily a figure painter, whose work focused on Daoist themes. However, originals of his paintings have not survived. The present work is an attributed copy of the 18th century. <br class="linefeed" />,Tuschemalerei auf Seide im Hochformat. Dargestellt ist ein Jäger in einer Schneelandschaft.
- InventoryNumber_S: 11400
- InventoryNumber_S_sort: 11400
- InventoryNumberSearch_S: 11400
- AcquisitionDate_S: 31.10.1943
- MainTitle_S: Hunter on his Way Home in the Snow
- MainTitle_S_sort: Hunter on his Way Home in the Snow
- DatingType_S: Herstellung | Production
- Dating_S: 18th century
- Dating_S2: 18th century
- YearFrom_I: 1700
- YearTo_I: 1799
- DatingComment_S: Primärdatierung (englisch)
- Creditline_S: Museum Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt am Main
- Systematic_S: Asian Collection
- Systematic_multi_facet: Asian Collection
- Systematic_multi_facet_filter: Asian Collection
- MaterialTechnique_S: Ink and colours on silk
- AcquisitionType_S: Donation
- AcquisitionFrom_S: Collection Carl Cords, Zoppot
- Keywords_S: Figure representations, Landscapes (representations), Copies
- Keywords_multi_facet: Figure representations;;Landscapes (representations);;Copies
- Keywords_multi_facet_filter: Figure representations;;Landscapes (representations);;Copies
- Materials_multi_facet: Silk;;Ink
- Materials_multi_facet_filter: Silk;;Ink
- Techniques_multi_facet: Painting
- Techniques_multi_facet_filter: Painting
- Subjects_FirstName_multi_facet: Gu
- Subjects_FirstName_multi_facet_filter: Gu
- Subjects_Name_multi_facet: Deqian
- Subjects_Name_multi_facet_filter: Deqian
- Subjects_FullName_multi_facet: Gu Deqian
- Subjects_FullName_multi_facet_filter: Gu Deqian
- Subjects_NameSorted_multi_facet: Deqian, Gu
- Subjects_NameSorted_multi_facet_filter: Deqian, Gu
- lists_s: ObjectNames,Titles,GeographicReferences,Materials,Techniques,Datings,Subjects,Texts,Dimensions,WebLinks,Media
- list_ObjectNames_I: 1
- ObjectNames_Type_0_S: Obj.bez.
- ObjectNames_Text_0_S: Hanging scroll
- list_Titles_I: 3
- Titles_Type_0_S: Titel
- Titles_Text_0_S: Heimkehrender Jäger im Schnee
- Titles_Text_S_sort: Heimkehrender Jäger im Schnee
- TitleSearch: Heimkehrender Jäger im Schnee ,Hunter on his Way Home in the Snow ,摹顧德謙雪夜歸獵圖軸
- Titles_Type_1_S: Titel (englisch)
- Titles_Text_1_S: Hunter on his Way Home in the Snow
- Titles_Type_2_S: Titel (zh)
- Titles_Text_2_S: 摹顧德謙雪夜歸獵圖軸
- list_GeographicReferences_I: 1
- GeographicReferences_Type_0_S: Herstellungsort | Place of production
- GeographicReferences_Text_0_S: Asia/East Asia/China
- GeographicReferences_Text_0_multi_facet: Asia;;East Asia;;China
- GeographicReferences_Text_0_multi_facet_filter: Asia;;East Asia;;China
- list_Materials_I: 3
- Materials_Type_0_S: Material
- Materials_Text_0_S: Silk
- Materials_Type_1_S: Material
- Materials_Text_1_S: Ink
- Materials_Type_2_S: Material
- list_Techniques_I: 1
- Techniques_Type_0_S: Technik
- Techniques_Text_0_S: Painting
- list_Datings_I: 0
- list_Subjects_I: 1
- Subjects_Key_0_S: 69c45850-5d6f-4ff6-99de-9a1417b9da60
- Subjects_Type_0_S: Person
- Subjects_Name_0_S: Deqian
- Subjects_FirstName_0_S: Gu
- Subjects_SortedName_0_S: Gu Deqian
- Subjects_S_sort: Gu Deqian
- Subjects_Dating_0_S: 10. Jh.
- list_Texts_I: 1
- Texts_Type_0_S: Web (englisch)
- Texts_Language_0_S: EN
- Texts_LongText_0_S: A bearded, fierce looking man in a blue coat and carrying a three-pronged spear walks through a snow-covered mountain landscape and looks back to his small dog with a red collar. The luxurious dressing of the man and the finely-shaped dog suggest that he is not just a common hunter but a person of higher status. On his three-pronged spear he carries two white animals, perhaps hermelins. The atmospheric, authentic depiction of nature convincingly transmits the mood of a cold autumn or winter day. This represents a significant achievement of early Chinese painting that was lost in the course of history. However, the present painting may convey an impression of those early masterpieces. <br class="linefeed" />Gu Deqian was court painter in Nanjing and served the art-loving Emperor Li Yu (937–978). <br class="linefeed" />Gu Deqian, whose surname he shared with the great Gu Kaizhi (ca 348–409), was primarily a figure painter, whose work focused on Daoist themes. However, originals of his paintings have not survived. The present work is an attributed copy of the 18th century. <br class="linefeed" />
- list_Dimensions_I: 1
- Dimensions_Type_0_S: Objektmaß | Overall
- Dimensions_Dimension_0_S: 114 x 61 cm
- list_WebLinks_I: 0
- list_Media_I: 1
- Media_Key_0_s: 7b8388d4-13f3-417b-bd9d-834245dcd6c1
- Media_Type_0_S: Bild
- Media_AltText_0_S: Tuschemalerei auf Seide im Hochformat. Dargestellt ist ein Jäger in einer Schneelandschaft.
- Media_Rightsholder_0_S: Museum Angewandte Kunst
- Media_Credits_0_S: Foto: Rainer Drexel © Museum Angewandte Kunst
- Media_Comments_0_S: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
- _version_: 1824152752719134700
- lists: [object Object]