
Book of hours according to the custom of the Roman Church


1st third 15th century (Production)

Geographical reference

Place of production: Netherlands
Place of production: Belgium
Further assignment: Flanders

Material / Technique

Manuscript on parchment, 115 fols. 193 x 128 mm, written area 104 x 59 mm, single-columned with twenty two lines, Latin and French text in Textura in brown, red, and blue ink, decorated initials, red headings, pre-bound fragment of an Italian Book of Hours, containing the Athanasian Creed and the prayer: O domina mea sanctissima; fifteen miniatures with borders, together with three miniatures from a third manuscript glued onto the inside of the cover and inserted before the fragment; grey-violet velvet cover on wood with silver clasps, sixteenth century, gilt edging


Sheet dimensions: 193 x 128 mm
Overall: 20 x 13,5 x 3,2 cm

Object type

Books of hours
Illuminated manuscripts


Book art and graphic design

Inventory number



Museum Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt am Main


Bequest; 06.04.1916; Albert Linel, Frankfurt am Main