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Fragment of an altarpiece, personification of Fides Baptismus
Godefroid de Claire
um 1150
The twelfth-century enameled medallion shows a winged personification of Fides (faith)—one of the three Christian virtues alongside Caritas (love, caring) and Spes (hope)—with the inscription “FIDES BAPTISMVS” (faith baptism). A halo surrounds her head. The linear depiction of the figure in the Byzantine pictorial tradition emphasizes her gesture, which is pointing to a baptismal font. Her green cloak and the red holy water shine with great luminosity and stand out against the decoration in shades of blue on the gilded surface of the copper support.
The precious medallion is a fragment of a former altarpiece (retable) in the former monastery church of the Benedictine imperial abbey of Stablo (Stavelot) in present-day Belgium. The retable, probably one of the most important Maasland metal works of the twelfth century, was commissioned around 1150 by the founder, Abbot Wibald of Stablo and Corvey, in honor of Saint Remaclus, the abbot-bishop who founded the abbey in 648. The altarpiece was probably almost completely destroyed in a church fire in 1701. In addition to the medallion, its counterpart “OPERATIO” (Kunstgewerbemuseum, Berlin) and two inscriptions (Collegiate Church, Stavelot) are among the only surviving remnants of the altarpiece. A drawing of the Remaclus retable from 1661 (now in the Archives Générales du Royaume, Brussels) reveals the significance of the medallion as part of a complex theological pictorial design. Here, the two medallions “Fides Baptism” (left) and “Operatio” (right) framed a larger one with a dove representing the Holy Spirit. Their motifs emphasized the sacraments of baptism and anointing for the salvation of every believer.
Fragment of an altarpiece, personification of Fides Baptismus
Involved in the execution
um 1150 (Production)
Geographical reference
Place of origin: Stavelot
Material / Technique
Copper, gilded, chased, engraved, cut; opaque enamel (sunk enamel)
14,5 x 14,5 x 1 cm
Object type
Inventory number
Museum Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt am Main
Donation; 30.04.1929; Robert von Hirsch, Frankfurt am Main
Included in these topics
- Key: bc244b01-922d-4c25-89f0-b09aaae4488d
- Module_ref: collection
- Create_date: 2008-02-13T23:00:00Z
- Change_date: 2024-07-15T22:00:00Z
- Sync_date: 2024-08-27T09:40:59Z
- Container_S: Europa bis 19.Jahrhundert
- SimpleSearch: Europa bis 19.Jahrhundert,6710,Herstellung | Production,um 1150,Copper, gilded, chased, engraved, cut; opaque enamel (sunk enamel),Robert von Hirsch, Frankfurt am Main,Christianity, Romanesque style, Liturgy,Godefroid de,Claire,Medallion,Fragment eines Altaraufsatzes, Personifikation der Fides Baptismus,Fragment of an altarpiece, personification of Fides Baptismus,Claire,Godefroid de,Claire, Godefroid de,The twelfth-century enameled medallion shows a winged personification of Fides (faith)—one of the three Christian virtues alongside Caritas (love, caring) and Spes (hope)—with the inscription “FIDES BAPTISMVS” (faith baptism). A halo surrounds her head. The linear depiction of the figure in the Byzantine pictorial tradition emphasizes her gesture, which is pointing to a baptismal font. Her green cloak and the red holy water shine with great luminosity and stand out against the decoration in shades of blue on the gilded surface of the copper support.<br class="linefeed" />The precious medallion is a fragment of a former altarpiece (retable) in the former monastery church of the Benedictine imperial abbey of Stablo (Stavelot) in present-day Belgium. The retable, probably one of the most important Maasland metal works of the twelfth century, was commissioned around 1150 by the founder, Abbot Wibald of Stablo and Corvey, in honor of Saint Remaclus, the abbot-bishop who founded the abbey in 648. The altarpiece was probably almost completely destroyed in a church fire in 1701. In addition to the medallion, its counterpart “OPERATIO” (Kunstgewerbemuseum, Berlin) and two inscriptions (Collegiate Church, Stavelot) are among the only surviving remnants of the altarpiece. A drawing of the Remaclus retable from 1661 (now in the Archives Générales du Royaume, Brussels) reveals the significance of the medallion as part of a complex theological pictorial design. Here, the two medallions “Fides Baptism” (left) and “Operatio” (right) framed a larger one with a dove representing the Holy Spirit. Their motifs emphasized the sacraments of baptism and anointing for the salvation of every believer.,Medaillon aus vergoldetem Kupfer und Email mit der Darstellung der Fides Baptismus
- SimpleSearch2: Europa bis 19.Jahrhundert,6710,Herstellung | Production,um 1150,Copper, gilded, chased, engraved, cut; opaque enamel (sunk enamel),Robert von Hirsch, Frankfurt am Main,Christianity, Romanesque style, Liturgy,Godefroid de,Claire,Medallion,Fragment eines Altaraufsatzes, Personifikation der Fides Baptismus,Fragment of an altarpiece, personification of Fides Baptismus,Claire,Godefroid de,Claire, Godefroid de,The twelfth-century enameled medallion shows a winged personification of Fides (faith)—one of the three Christian virtues alongside Caritas (love, caring) and Spes (hope)—with the inscription “FIDES BAPTISMVS” (faith baptism). A halo surrounds her head. The linear depiction of the figure in the Byzantine pictorial tradition emphasizes her gesture, which is pointing to a baptismal font. Her green cloak and the red holy water shine with great luminosity and stand out against the decoration in shades of blue on the gilded surface of the copper support.<br class="linefeed" />The precious medallion is a fragment of a former altarpiece (retable) in the former monastery church of the Benedictine imperial abbey of Stablo (Stavelot) in present-day Belgium. The retable, probably one of the most important Maasland metal works of the twelfth century, was commissioned around 1150 by the founder, Abbot Wibald of Stablo and Corvey, in honor of Saint Remaclus, the abbot-bishop who founded the abbey in 648. The altarpiece was probably almost completely destroyed in a church fire in 1701. In addition to the medallion, its counterpart “OPERATIO” (Kunstgewerbemuseum, Berlin) and two inscriptions (Collegiate Church, Stavelot) are among the only surviving remnants of the altarpiece. A drawing of the Remaclus retable from 1661 (now in the Archives Générales du Royaume, Brussels) reveals the significance of the medallion as part of a complex theological pictorial design. Here, the two medallions “Fides Baptism” (left) and “Operatio” (right) framed a larger one with a dove representing the Holy Spirit. Their motifs emphasized the sacraments of baptism and anointing for the salvation of every believer.,Medaillon aus vergoldetem Kupfer und Email mit der Darstellung der Fides Baptismus
- InventoryNumber_S: 6710
- InventoryNumber_S_sort: 6710
- InventoryNumberSearch_S: 6710
- AcquisitionDate_S: 30.04.1929
- MainTitle_S: Fragment of an altarpiece, personification of Fides Baptismus
- MainTitle_S_sort: Fragment of an altarpiece, personification of Fides Baptismus
- DatingType_S: Herstellung | Production
- Dating_S: um 1150
- Dating_S2: um 1150
- YearFrom_I: 1140
- YearTo_I: 1160
- Creditline_S: Museum Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt am Main
- MaterialTechnique_S: Copper, gilded, chased, engraved, cut; opaque enamel (sunk enamel)
- AcquisitionType_S: Donation
- AcquisitionFrom_S: Robert von Hirsch, Frankfurt am Main
- Keywords_S: Christianity, Romanesque style, Liturgy
- Keywords_multi_facet: Christianity;;Romanesque style;;Liturgy
- Keywords_multi_facet_filter: Christianity;;Romanesque style;;Liturgy
- Materials_multi_facet: Copper;;Enamel;;Gold
- Materials_multi_facet_filter: Copper;;Enamel;;Gold
- Techniques_multi_facet: Chasing;;Engraving;;Cutting
- Techniques_multi_facet_filter: Chasing;;Engraving;;Cutting
- Subjects_FirstName_multi_facet: Godefroid de
- Subjects_FirstName_multi_facet_filter: Godefroid de
- Subjects_Name_multi_facet: Claire
- Subjects_Name_multi_facet_filter: Claire
- Subjects_FullName_multi_facet: Godefroid de Claire
- Subjects_FullName_multi_facet_filter: Godefroid de Claire
- Subjects_NameSorted_multi_facet: Claire, Godefroid de
- Subjects_NameSorted_multi_facet_filter: Claire, Godefroid de
- lists_s: ObjectNames,Titles,GeographicReferences,Materials,Techniques,Datings,Subjects,Texts,Dimensions,WebLinks,Media
- list_ObjectNames_I: 1
- ObjectNames_Type_0_S: Obj.bez.
- ObjectNames_Text_0_S: Medallion
- list_Titles_I: 2
- Titles_Type_0_S: Titel
- Titles_Text_0_S: Fragment eines Altaraufsatzes, Personifikation der Fides Baptismus
- Titles_Text_S_sort: Fragment eines Altaraufsatzes, Personifikation der Fides Baptismus
- TitleSearch: Fragment eines Altaraufsatzes, Personifikation der Fides Baptismus,Fragment of an altarpiece, personification of Fides Baptismus
- Titles_Type_1_S: Titel (englisch)
- Titles_Text_1_S: Fragment of an altarpiece, personification of Fides Baptismus
- list_GeographicReferences_I: 1
- GeographicReferences_Type_0_S: Entstehungsort | Place of origin
- GeographicReferences_Text_0_S: Europe/Belgium/Wallonia/Stavelot
- GeographicReferences_Text_0_multi_facet: Europe;;Belgium;;Wallonia;;Stavelot
- GeographicReferences_Text_0_multi_facet_filter: Europe;;Belgium;;Wallonia;;Stavelot
- list_Materials_I: 3
- Materials_Type_0_S: Material
- Materials_Text_0_S: Copper
- Materials_Type_1_S: Material
- Materials_Text_1_S: Enamel
- Materials_Type_2_S: Material
- Materials_Text_2_S: Gold
- list_Techniques_I: 4
- Techniques_Type_0_S: Technik
- Techniques_Type_1_S: Technik
- Techniques_Text_1_S: Chasing
- Techniques_Type_2_S: Technik
- Techniques_Text_2_S: Engraving
- Techniques_Type_3_S: Technik
- Techniques_Text_3_S: Cutting
- list_Datings_I: 0
- list_Subjects_I: 1
- Subjects_Key_0_S: 03f26b67-5801-4d76-8c80-966668d350f3
- Subjects_Type_0_S: Person
- Subjects_Name_0_S: Claire
- Subjects_FirstName_0_S: Godefroid de
- Subjects_SortedName_0_S: Claire, Godefroid de
- Subjects_S_sort: Claire, Godefroid de
- Subjects_Dating_0_S: um 1100 - um 1173
- list_Texts_I: 1
- Texts_Type_0_S: Web (englisch)
- Texts_Language_0_S: EN
- Texts_LongText_0_S: The twelfth-century enameled medallion shows a winged personification of Fides (faith)—one of the three Christian virtues alongside Caritas (love, caring) and Spes (hope)—with the inscription “FIDES BAPTISMVS” (faith baptism). A halo surrounds her head. The linear depiction of the figure in the Byzantine pictorial tradition emphasizes her gesture, which is pointing to a baptismal font. Her green cloak and the red holy water shine with great luminosity and stand out against the decoration in shades of blue on the gilded surface of the copper support.<br class="linefeed" />The precious medallion is a fragment of a former altarpiece (retable) in the former monastery church of the Benedictine imperial abbey of Stablo (Stavelot) in present-day Belgium. The retable, probably one of the most important Maasland metal works of the twelfth century, was commissioned around 1150 by the founder, Abbot Wibald of Stablo and Corvey, in honor of Saint Remaclus, the abbot-bishop who founded the abbey in 648. The altarpiece was probably almost completely destroyed in a church fire in 1701. In addition to the medallion, its counterpart “OPERATIO” (Kunstgewerbemuseum, Berlin) and two inscriptions (Collegiate Church, Stavelot) are among the only surviving remnants of the altarpiece. A drawing of the Remaclus retable from 1661 (now in the Archives Générales du Royaume, Brussels) reveals the significance of the medallion as part of a complex theological pictorial design. Here, the two medallions “Fides Baptism” (left) and “Operatio” (right) framed a larger one with a dove representing the Holy Spirit. Their motifs emphasized the sacraments of baptism and anointing for the salvation of every believer.
- list_Dimensions_I: 1
- Dimensions_Type_0_S: Objektmaß | Overall
- Dimensions_Dimension_0_S: 14,5 x 14,5 x 1 cm
- list_WebLinks_I: 0
- list_Media_I: 1
- Media_Key_0_s: 502593d7-92bc-466d-9c43-d01d5797b68e
- Media_Type_0_S: Bild
- Media_AltText_0_S: Medaillon aus vergoldetem Kupfer und Email mit der Darstellung der Fides Baptismus
- Media_Rightsholder_0_S: Museum Angewandte Kunst
- Media_Credits_0_S: © Museum Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt am Main
- Media_Comments_0_S: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
- _version_: 1808533215404621800
- lists: [object Object]