Elementary Parts

From the Collections

The presentation Elementary Parts: From the Collections is the “beating heart” of the Museum Angewandte Kunst. On view are selected pieces from all areas of the collection, geographical locations, and time periods. The permanent presentation asks whether and how collection objects can lead to new narratives.

On site in the museum and in this album, the artworks stand side by side in all their diversity. Here, the Museum Angewandte Kunst shows its potential, discloses the history of its collection and the origin of its curatorial practice.

The objects were selected by the curators Dr. Eva Linhart, Prof. Dr. Klaus Klemp, Dr. Mahret Ifeoma Kupka, Dr. Sabine Runde, Dr. Stephan von der Schulenburg, Prof. Matthias Wagner K and Grit Weber along with the participation of the members of the Kunstgewerbeverein Frankfurt am Main e. V.

157 objects